
Photo by NASA
Sept 31 UPDATE: We did it! Thank to your generosity we raised over $50,000 for Hurricane Harvey relief efforts!
Sept 29 UPDATE: We are almost at our stretch goal of $50,000!! Only $6,000 more to go! Thank you! Let's keep it going!
Sept 14 UPDATE: We did it! Thank you! We blew through our goal of $25,000 with an amazing donation from the USBG Dallas Chapter of $18,000! We are well on our way to a stretch goal of $50,000! Let's keep it going!
Sept 6 UPDATE: We are almost there - only $680 away from our goal of $25k! Helps us reach it and head towards our stretch goal of $50k! Thank you!
Aug 29 UPDATE: We are at $15,000 of our goal in just 24 hours! Help us blast through our fundraising goal to help those in our industry affected by the storm!
The Bartender Emergency Assistance Program at the USBG National Charity Foundation is set up to help those in our industry affected by the storm in Houston through the #HurricaneHarveyFund.
If you are looking for a way to help, and have not already picked out a charity, consider working with the USBG National Charity Foundation's Bartender Emergency Assistance Program. The BEAP is set up to provide direct financial relief to bartenders with an emergency medical or catastrophic need. Step 1 for the BEAP will be raising money, and Step 2 will be to work with our Texan community members to recruit grant applications from our community members in need.
We have a goal to raise $25,000 by the end of October 2017 to help industry members in the Houston Metro Area, and we need your help! Please make your donation HERE!
If you or someone you know is in need of emergency hardship assistance due to the catastrophic events in the Houston Metro Area, please apply for assistance HERE.
How does the BEAP work? Grant applicants submit their applications through our website at www.usbgfoundation.org. Our Foundation staff accepts and vets applications to verify criteria are met, then our independent selection committee reviews the applications, establishes need, and determines the grant amount. Grant applications usually take about 3-4 weeks for processing.
Does the BEAP only support USBG Members? No. Any member of the beverage alcohol community may apply for a grant through the BEAP. Charitable funds must be used for the public good, so this support will never be limited to USBG Members only. That said, members are welcome to apply for emergency assistance if they experience a qualifying medical or catastrophic event.
Is the BEAP application mobile friendly? It should be! But if you have any issues, please contact us at foundation@usbg.org
If you have any questions please contact us at foundation@usbg.org.